Bright Night Festivities sparks couple to wed

Bright Night Providence 2006 had a lot of accomplishments. The third year of the artist-run arts oriented New Year’s Eve Celebration featured two fireworks displays, a special edition of Waterfire, over 75 performances of local stars, and one bonafide marriage proposal. Yes, that’s right. A marriage proposal.

Writes John Thibeault of Taunton, MA:

We had a room at the Biltmore and I was going to wait until the opening fireworks. I was looking from our room window for a good spot to pop the question. I saw that there was an area where I could set up the camera, then run across the street, get down on one knee and propose, all the while getting a picture of the moment. I couldn’t wait until the fireworks, so we went downstairs in the snow, to the area that I had seen from our room. I was about to set the camera up, when a teenager was walking by. I asked him if he could take our picture. I ran across the street, got down on my knee and then I heard the kid say, ‘Oh my God!!!’ As you can see from the picture, Melissa was surprised. Then we enjoyed the rest of Bright Night as a newly engaged couple and ended the evening with an incredible fireworks display.

The couple is planning to be married in October 2006 in Rockville Centre, New York.

On behalf of all of the artists, volunteers, and audience members of our festival, we wish the couple the very best, and hope that their wedding day will be a Bright Night indeed.

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